Monday, February 9, 2009

Here is our Apartment! ...7 months after we moved in :)

This is "The Door of the Unknowns" Aka: spare bedroom/garage/storage room. No eyes are allowed past this door :) Its really not THAT bad
Here's our dining room! The door there goes to our little deck and storage outside

Our Kitchen!

Our living room and our decorations/Micah's couch and TV. We are SO grateful to have them! Oh! And there's the front door...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a "House of LOVE!" I can now amagin you sitting on the couch... cooking in the kitchen and sitting up to the table eating. I love it! Thanks for the Grand tour. The belly photo is my Fav! I need to teach you how to turn your photos... I will work on that. It's easy!
    I couldn't help but think about Our First apartment. So Fun!
    Happy Days!
