Monday, February 9, 2009

The rest of the Apartment

Our Bedroom and bathroom
So sorry these are sideways!!!

And me at 7 months! I feel so much better and I can eat and enjoy it! You are never more grateful to feel good than when you have been sick for a while. SO glad that part is over!

The prego pic below this one is more like 5 months along :)

Here is our Apartment! ...7 months after we moved in :)

This is "The Door of the Unknowns" Aka: spare bedroom/garage/storage room. No eyes are allowed past this door :) Its really not THAT bad
Here's our dining room! The door there goes to our little deck and storage outside

Our Kitchen!

Our living room and our decorations/Micah's couch and TV. We are SO grateful to have them! Oh! And there's the front door...

My Growing Tummy

Well Kelly here it is! This is just for you :) Haha. Kelly has been BeGgInG me for weeks to get a prego picture on here and now it finally is! This is me at a whoppin 5 months along! I'm actually 6 months now, so I'm already behind...again, but thats ok! And you get a little snap shot of our spare/garage/storage room! And a peek at the kitchen counter! And the carpet! The rest of the apt is coming. SOOO sorry it took me so long to get this up :)