Monday, November 10, 2008

I seriously love this picture cause Stav has a big ole' smile across his face. I love him!


  1. Oh I LOVE that photo too! What a happy day! It was so WONDERFUL to be back home for it all. You 2 are so Cute! We could use another visit!?! I heard Florida's Sunshine Cures morning sickness! Quick book your flights! Love the darling photos of those girls and the flowers are awesome! You are GoOd! I would like to book a session with you!
    We LOVE you! xoxoxox
    here is a little love note for you...
    fghf4yr4ur54t7yfhhghfgerhfjferhfrftgt maizie
    ghhhetbf23455ddfddfgdfggfrt5uj67563433rgbv c hnbfgbhxykmjhgcfe5r42344thcdfnhmnvvfnjerhhscvffnnnmmhhtx
    oxoxoxox0 maizie

  2. Ash- your photos are beautiful. You are very talented. I want pictures too! We will have to see if we can book you. :)
